The Poverty Eradication Program (PEP) is a non-profit, national level NGO of the country. By utilizing its unique development model, PEP aims to aid in poverty alleviation by focusing on the rural impoverished citizens in the most need. The PEP model is founded on respect for all people and the belief that in partnering with the poor to help them find the necessary resources, they will devise creative ways to successfully solve their own problems and become contributing members of society. The model is holistic in its approach to alleviating extreme poverty among rural populations and is replicable anywhere in the developing world. Its success and measurability are based on each family working with a social worker to develop an individual long-range plan for its economic uplift. Each family meets with its individual social worker on a bi-weekly basis in order to monitor progress and ensure success.
PEP is currently working in the four districts of Bangladesh, namely Bogra, Netrokona, Chandpur and Kishoregonj. With the combined skills of both experienced and new development workers, PEP has aided in the alleviation of the most extreme cases of rural poverty. This aid has been provided through various forms of social and economic aid. To learn more about these individual programs, please explore our “What We Do” section.
Accountability & Measurability
Participating families are reassessed every three years in order to evaluate their progress towards reaching their goals of financial security and independence. The graduation of a family entails self-sufficiency, the possession of assets, access to pure water, sanitary latrines, the ability to afford basic healthcare, income-producing skills, and the enrollment of their children in school. Most families graduate from the program—and have ultimately lifted themselves out of poverty—permanently within a ten year cycle.
The success of the PEP model is measured in accordance to the positive changes experienced by the family in their day to day life. In order to measure sustainability, long-term progress is determined by assessing the number of children that have attended and remained enrolled in school, the maintenance of financial stability and food security, and the overall impact the program has had on the community. To obtain further information regarding the indicators used for these assessments, please refer to (link) PEPs Definition of Poverty.